The Urban Dictionary definition for SIDE HUSTLE is a “Sideline that brings in cash; something other than your main job.” Merriam-Webster dates the term “side hustle” in the English language back to the 1950s, when it was used to describe scams & also legitimate jobs. While the word hustle can be perceived as negative, I believe that in the past 70 years, we have seen in shift in the mindsets of people. People are proud to be called hustlers. Someone called me ‘the ultimate hustler’ & I felt proud. Why? Well, because that’s exactly who I am.
I started my blog in 2010 when I was unemployed. Flash forward to 2012 when I landed my dream job in the clothing industry. Flash forward to 2017, I’m still working in the same company, but the job description’s evolved & so has the salary 😉 In my mind, the blog was always a way for me to share myself. I never thought of it as a job. Some are under the impression that I blog & make my clothing, & that’s all I do. It’s not. I have always wanted to work in clothing, & I am fortunate to be able to do that everyday. That’s my full time job. Shop Brett Robson & my Brett Robson brand is a partnership between myself & the company I employed by. Best of both worlds in my opinion. I love the rush of my job; the international travel; the excitement of doing big business. It’s a drug that I don’t want to give up.
My blog was a side hustle in 2010 during my unemployment phase. It was a side hustle in 2012 when I was starting out in clothing. And it remains a side hustle in 2017 as I flourish in my career; grow my amazing brand; & #GIRLBOSS all over my online shop. Could it have ever been a full time job for me? I’m not sure. Has it served it’s purpose? I believe so. My clothing brand & online store would not be what they are without my blog.
Operating my blog as a side hustle has been great for me. Aside from earning money from blogging, I also get the opportunity to try out products (often before they launch). I don’t attend many events related to blogging mostly because of my schedule. The funny thing about me is that I NEVER get invited to events in Durban. I am always invited to events in Johannesburg or Cape Town. Some PR companies are under the impression I am based in those cities (How? I’m not sure). But even the PR companies that know I am in Durban, & are able to fly me out, know how I roll. I don’t feel like I need to be seen at every event. I attend a few events a year, & that makes me happy. My schedule & managing my time is important to me; & is vital to my side hustle lifestyle.
I see the pressure to be a full-time influencer or blogger. Not for me, I don’t want that for myself & that is not my aspiration. But for you, the newbies looking out at all your favourite bloggers & influencers spending their days have fancy lunches, attending events & posting all these activities on Instagram. Yes, it’s enviable. But is this lifestyle for everyone? No. There is nothing wrong with having a side hustle. You can create amazing content while working full-time, it just makes managing your time more important. I am a multi-tasker if you’ve ever met one. I multi-task & do what I have to in order to get stuff done. And I’ve become better at it because of how much I have going on. Posting regular content takes time & dedication. And if you are not willing to put in the time, then it won’t work. I know all too well how hard it is to leave the office, get home & then start creating content. I sit here typing this post at 10.42pm after a full day. I had a video shoot for Shop Brett Robson; spent the rest of my day at my desk in the office; & I have been home working on this post since 7pm. But I do it, because it’s what works for me. You have to find out what works for you. Maybe it’s that you venture into blogging full time, & get a part-time job for some financial security. Or perhaps you don’t feel ready to take the plunge, & decide to stay in your 9-5 and keep your blog on the side. The options are endless, & if you’re willing to put everything into what you want, then I believe you can achieve it.
I hope that sharing my side hustle story has helped you in some way. I know how it feels to look at the next person & find his or her life enviable. But the truth is, it’s not for everyone – and that’s ok. You need to find what works for you & your lifestyle.
Thank you for this! I’ve just started blogging as a creative outlet and sometimes it can be so difficult to remain motivated but following a passion project is well worth the time!
Great article. At times you can feel a lot of pressure but you’re right when you say one has to find what works for them.
Thanks for the post. It really puts things into perspective and anything worth having requires dedication and hard work. I too work a full day, am in the process of completing my degree and trying to manage my blog it takes a lot but the rewards are so satisfying. Love your content Brett keep slaying.
The success of ones self is not merely determined by ones sacrifice and achievements. But by the persons will to give back to those who have not yet achieved. Your words here are both inspirational and educational. As a person new to blogging I have gone from purely exited to having vision and purpose.
Thank you Brett.
I could not have read this post at a better time in my life. I started blogging in January this year, apart from working full-time and being a part-time student. I couldn’t post any content for the past two weeks because student life had me caught up. Thanks for helping me get perspective again about why I started doing this to begin with
Great to hear that!
Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!