I am addicted to reality television. It’s seriously no joke. I especially love Jerseylicious. Set in the Gatsby hair salon, it follows the personal and professional lives of all those who work there. While the characters are very endearing and every show is entertaining the main reason I tune in is to see what everyone is wearing. With their style consisting of ‘Orangina tans, long-nailed manicures, cleavage-baring fashions’

It is very different from anything I have ever seen before which is what makes it so fascinating. My absolute  favourite out of all the characters is hairstylist Tracy DiMarco, seen below. She is so evil, I cant help but like her. Most people want to kill me when I confess my adoration for her but Im a lost cause. And other than the fact that her clothes can be a little tight, she has decent style, in my opinion.

If you’ve been following this blog, you would’ve seen my earlier blog on another Jerseylicious star’s style – Olivia Blois Sharpe (pictured with Tracy below). If you haven’t seen it yet, it was posted earlier this week on Monday 7th March 2011, so be sure to check it out!