Now more than any time of the year do we find ourselves ‘feeling the love’, in every sense of the saying. For those in love, they are celebrating, expressing, & enjoying love. For those who are heartbroken, they hate love & everything it stands for. And for those hopeful few, well they yearn for the love of another.
I have loved poetry ever since I can remeber. And even though I forget about my love for it, every now & then I am reminded just how much it means to me. I came across a poetry book that was gifted to me by someone who meant a great deal in my life. The poem dedicated to me in the book was none other than a sonnet by Elizabeth Barret Browning. A true classic. If you dont know the peom, here it is:
You know, I do not believe that anyone can truly say that they understand exactly what Barrett was trying to express through this poem. But I simply love how it is organized in perfect form with progression and movement! And yet not constricted in any way by which to suffocate the essence of it’s beauty. This is writing of the English language at its best!
The passion she has for her significant other is felt in every word of the poem. To love someone so deeply that they embody everything that is you. To love someone for the sake of love itself, and not for praise. That is pure and honest. To love another to your grave, and know that it will continue for all eternity. That is love.