Sweat top + Skirt + Slip On Sneakers (MRP) | Sunglasses (Levis Eyewear)
This was not my plan. But the plan changed so many times that I am not sure I remember the plan anyway. All I know is that the plan was not this look. But planning is overrated right?
Nevertheless I am beyond happy with how this unintentional look post turned out. I purchased quite a few pieces from the MRP RT Street Ninja range; both online & in store. I loved the number print set especially, although I opted for the sweat top instead of the crop. Either way it’s super cute. I love the idea of a simple silhouette in a printed fabric. I know a bodycon skirt works for me so I always head in that direction when it comes to styling.
Jerome & I wandered about Durban city this past weekend. It was fun. We hadn’t seen each other in a while, so we got to catch up & explore & take pictures. I have to tell you guys how funny it was when we eventually started walking back to our cars & found traffic cops giving us parking fines. We both ran like our lives depended on it lol. Silly of us, but at least Jerome came out of it without a fine. As for me well I wasn’t as lucky.
I am glad I got to share this look post with you guys in conjunction with MRP. 
Be sure to check out the RT Street Ninja range in store & online.

Images by: Jerome Stoffels Photography










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HUGE kisses*